UTU seamlessly brings global rewards to your fingertips, with over 15,000 outlets in Thailand and with several countries to come on board in 2019! Earn points at TOM N TOMS Coffee, Subway and redeem them at Starbucks. Convert DBS Points into UTU Points or be a friend and give the gift of points instantly.
Accumulated lots of points? Why don’t you redeem them for a cashback? The choice is yours. No more having to remember those pesky loyalty cards, simply link your payment card. Your data is securely encrypted using bank-level encryption.
Earn and Redeem Points Anytime, Anywhere.
- Choose from hundreds of fashion brands, restaurants, bars, airlines and gas stations. Never be restricted by your loyalty program ever again.
Instant Cashback!
- Accumulate enough UTU Points and be rewarded with a cashback! It’s a great way to save for your next purchase.
Unused or Expiring Points? Convert them!
- If you’ve accumulated points through other programs that you are unlikely to use, convert your points to treat yourself to a special purchase that you’ll actually enjoy.
Sharing is Caring.
- Know someone who wants to take advantage of a hot promotion on UTU? Send them points instantly through UTU.
UTU无缝地为您提供全球奖励,在泰国拥有超过15,000家门店,并且有多个国家将在2019年加入!在TOM N TOMS Coffee,Subway获得积分,并在星巴克兑换。将DBS积分转换为UTU积分或成为好友并立即赠送积分礼物。
- 从数百个时尚品牌,餐厅,酒吧,航空公司和加油站中选择。永远不要再被你的忠诚度计划所限制。
- 积累足够的UTU积分并获得现金返还奖励!这是保存下次购买的好方法。
- 如果您通过其他不太可能使用的程序累积积分,请转换积分以享受您真正喜欢的特殊购买。
- 了解想要利用UTU热门推广的人吗?立即通过UTU发送积分。